Nerdy Content / Myriad Perspectives
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A Certain Point of View

Episode 016 Top 10 TV Shows

Get to know Ben and Addy’s taste in TV. They count down each of their top 10 TV shows. Here are the lists.



10. Green Lantern: The Animated Series

9. Lost

8. Breaking Bad

7. South Park

6. Star Wars: The Clone Wars

5. Person of Interest

4. Game of Thrones

3. Archer

2. Arrested Development

1. Daredevil



10. Bojack Horseman

9. Green Lantern: The Animated Series

8. Star Wars: The Clone Wars

7. The Walking Dead

6. South Park

5. Seinfeld

4. Batman the Animated Series

3. Arrested Development

2. Band of Brothers

1. Daredevil


Listen to our episode about Daredevil.

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